Thursday, July 30, 2009


Wow to be slow at work I have been super busy!!! Thing just race around in my Brain all day I fell like i need to go go go! I have so much more energy that I don't know what to do with now that I have lost 30lbs...... I go home and cook and clean and wash clothes THE Donald thinks I am on crack!!!! I just feel really good and really like looking good!!! I did snort something up my nose to get skinny but it wasn't crack it was a nose spry, HCG(pregnancy hormone)!!!

I have looked and look for a heart rate moniter watch wow there are a million of them on ebay its crazy!!! If anyone knows a good one fill me in!!! I want to do the P90X workout system that why I need the watch, and its good to know that info about yourself.

I will try to check in a little more often I get super side tracked!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Food

Ok so I finished my 40 round of HCG on Tuesday and the 5oo Calorie diet tommorow!!! So now I get to EAT when I want and how much I want I have to watch out for sugars, starches, and cows' milk. I have new pictures YEA!!!! Here are the berfore and after from my 40 days!!! 30lbs lighter Look at y neck wow!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!

So today is the last day of my HCG and since June 6th I have lost 27lbs!!!! That means about 15% off my body weight. I found out last night I lost the most in my group so I won and awesome $$$$$ Prize!!!!! I am so excited I will post new pics as soon I can get them up. I feel amazing!!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Big Loser

Ok so I have been doing the HCG Diet (Pounds & Inches By Dr. Simeons,Google it) since June 6. I started at 164 and now weigh 145 as of July 1. The pictures on the left were taken June 1 and the pictures on the right were taken June 27 my shape has really changed. Especially in my chest. I was in a "G cup" holy moly I had to order bras you can't find a 34 G anywhere its crazy but now I am back down to a D or DD its GREAT!!!! Not to mention I feel SO GOOD!!!!!

About Me

My photo
I am outspoken...I am little country...I love dogs...I hate snakes...I like to listen to TEXAS country...Red and Turquoise are my favorite colors...Live in a town of 168...I am independant...Love to travel...Friends what would I do with out them...I am hard headed but sensitive...I love Ft.Worth but only for the weekend...The Rodeo well I could stay all day...I talk too much...I love to dance...I hate suits and ties on a man...I love pick-up trucks...I get road rage on a regular basis...I love to hang out with my family...I hate fighting...Flowers well what girl doesn't like flowers...I love to sit and watch the team ropin!!!...I would do just about anything to help just about anyone...I am too trusting...I love KIDS...I have two tatoos...I love Dragonflies...Most people either love me or hate me!!!!...Pendelton well thats my favorite drink better than crown....Las Vegas sin city I love it!...I do Hair, permanent make-up, massage, and well oh eyelash extentions...